Geochemical Transactions is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of geochemistry. The official journal of the Geochemistry Division of the American Chemical Society.
The Review of Religious Research (RRR) publishes contemporary, empirical social science research on religion, primarily in the areas of sociology, social psychology and psychology. RRR provides a forum for research across multiple themes and approaches, including: new religious movements, dynamics of denominational and congregational growth, individual and organizational variations in beliefs and practices, relation between personal spirituality and institutional religious involvement, conflict within congregations and denominations, religious experience, ethnic religious groups, religion and family life, religion and political behavior, comparative analyses of religious behavior and institutions.Among the characteristics which distinguish RRR from other academic journals on the study of religion are its applied focus and the opportunities it offers for academics and denomination-based researchers to share their findings with each other. RRR aims to facilitate the sharing and comparing of applied studies between denominational and academic researchers.RRR is the official quarterly journal of the Religious Research Association, Inc. It considers and publishes research articles, denominational research report summaries, and solicited book reviews.Unsolicited book reviews and are not accepted for publication in the Review of Religious Research. If you would like to review a book for the journal, contact Book Review Editor Paul Olson at
For over 80 years, The New England Quarterly (NEQ) has published the best that has been written on New England’s cultural, literary, political, and social history. Contributions cover a range of time periods, from before European colonization to the present, and any subject germane to New England’s history—for example, the region’s literary and artistic productions, its political practice and philosophies, race relations, labor struggles, religious controversies, and the organization of family life. The journal also treats the migration of New England ideas, people, and institutions to other parts of the United States and the world. In addition to major essays, features include memoranda and edited documents, reconsiderations of traditional texts and interpretations, essay reviews, and book reviews.