Middle East Fertility Society Journal publishes peer reviewed papers reporting original research, as well as opinions, debates and case reports of outstanding originality. These articles aim at summarizing concisely important and rapidly-developing areas of reproductive medicine. The journal will consider for publication original papers, contributed solely to the Middle East Fertility Society Journal, covering relevant scientific and clinical aspects of reproductive physiology and pathology, reproductive endocrinology and endocrine therapies. It also includes andrology, contraception, early pregnancy, embryo development, ethical issues, fertilization, gametogenesis, genetic screening (first trimester) , genetic diagnosis (pre-implantation), gonadal function, implantation, infectious diseases, menstrual disorders, psycho-social issues, reproductive genetics, reproductive surgery, reproductive epidemiology, and stem cell research.
The German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ) are providing financial support to aid any authors who require assistance with the article-processing charge (1750 EUR/ 1375 GBP/ 2150 USD). If you do not have access to a funding source, please request DGKJ sponsorship during the submission process, by entering the code RA-DGKJ-MACP-1118 on the payment page. The sponsorship will cover the full cost of the article-processing charge.
Nanotechnology, Nanoscale Science and Technology, Nanotechnology and Microengineering
bioorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, biosynthesis
Space and planetary sciences, Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences, Human geosciences, Solid earth sciences, Biogeosciences
Progress in Orthodontics is a fully open access journal owned by the Italian Society of Orthodontics and published under the brand SpringerOpen. It is a premier journal of international scope that fosters orthodontic research, including both basic research and development of innovative clinical techniques, with an emphasis on the following areas:- Mechanisms to improve orthodontics- Clinical studies and control animal studies- Orthodontics and genetics, genomics- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) control clinical trials- Efficacy of orthodontic appliances and animal models- Systematic reviews and meta analyses- Mechanisms to speed orthodontic treatment Progress in Orthodontics will consider for publication only meritorious and original contributions. These may be: • Original articles reporting the findings of clinical trials, clinically relevant basic scientific investigations, or novel therapeutic or diagnostic systems • Review articles on current topics • Articles on novel techniques and clinical tools • Articles of contemporary interest Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two referees. All accepted articles are published free of charge.
To publish original works in the areas of Developmental Psychology, Psychological Assesment, Health Psychology and Psychological Processes/Experimental Psychology in English.
Robotics and Automation, Mechatronics, Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Control, Computational Intelligence
Educational Technology, Learning & Instruction
Rice is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. Rice fills a critical need in basic and applied plant science journal publishing, offering the world™s only high-quality serial publication for reporting current advances in rice genetics, structural and functional genomics, comparative genomics, molecular biology and physiology, molecular breeding and comparative biology. Rice publishes review articles and original papers in all of the aforementioned areas and serves as the primary source of newly published information for researchers and students in rice and related research.
Satellite Navigation is the official journal of the Aerospace Information Research Institute.
The Egyptian Heart Journal aims to publish the highest quality material, both clinical and scientific, on all aspects of Cardiovascular Medicine. It includes articles related to research findings, technical evaluations, and reviews. In addition it provides a forum for the exchange of information on all aspects of Cardiovascular Medicine, including educational issues.