Psihologija is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by the Serbian Psychological Society. The journal was founded in 1967. From 1980 on, all the articles contain abstracts in English and Serbian. Now, Psihologija generally follows the rules of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Psihologija accepts only original manuscripts written either in Serbian, or in other so called world languages, preferably in English. Papers may belong to any branch of research psychology. Occasionally, Psihologija publishes thematic issues edited by field specialist as guest editors.
The “Serbian Archives for the Whole Medicine” includes original articles, communications, case reports, review articles from literature, history of medicine, works for practice, reports on congresses and scientific meetings, technical news, presentation of books, texts for “In memory of…”, i.e. In memoriam and Promemoria columns, as well as comments and letters to Editorial Board in relation to published papers. The Journal is printed in Serbian language, Cyrillic alphabet, with an abstract translated into English. Articles written by foreign authors are published in English language with an abstract both in English and Serbian language.
Vojnomedicinski pregled (VSP) is the leading professional journal of doctors and pharmacists of the Serbian Army. Is published 12 times a year. Papers published in the CAP index known biomedical journals index (database): Science Citation Index Expended, Index Medicus (MEDLINE database), Excerpta Medica (EMBASE), EBSCO (full-text database) and Biomedicine Serbica. The contents of each issue published Giornale Militare di Medicina and Revista de Medicina Militara. Displays of original works and excerpts from published content Revue Internationale de Services de Sante des Forces Armees. First Edition Military Medical Review was published in September the 1944th year. Journal continues the tradition of military-medical bulletin which was published from 1930. to 1941. year.