Nature Communications is an online-only, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in all areas of the biological, physical and chemical sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.The scope of the journal reflects Nature Publishing Group's core strengths in the biological, chemical and physical sciences, including areas in which Nature research journals serve to publish the most outstanding community-focused research papers. In addition, Nature Communications encourages submissions in fields that aren't represented by a dedicated Nature research journal; for example developmental biology, plant sciences, microbiology, ecology and evolution, palaeontology and astronomy. The editors particularly welcome submissions from cross-disciplinary fields, including biophysics, bioengineering, chemical physics and environmental science, although no area is excluded from consideration. In all cases, papers published in Nature Communications will be of high quality, without necessarily having the scientific reach of papers published in Nature and the Nature research journals.Nature Communications is committed to providing an efficient service for both authors and readers. A streamlined peer-review system, together with the support of an Editorial Advisory Panel, allows a team of independent editors to make rapid and fair publication decisions. Prompt dissemination of accepted papers to Nature Publishing Group's wide readership and beyond is achieved through a programme of continuous online publication. Published manuscripts are enhanced by innovative web technologies, including interactive browsing and efficient data- and text-mining.
The journal Oral Radiology offers a forum for international collaboration in diagnostic imaging of the head and neck, and all related fields. The coverage features cutting-edge research papers, review articles, case reports, and technical notes from both the clinical and experimental fields. The contributors to the journal include researchers and clinicians worldwide. Oral Radiology is the official English-language journal of the Japanese Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.
PathoGenetics was discontinued in 2010. All articles published in PathoGenetics are fully searchable.
Please go here for a full list of journals currently published by BioMed Central.
Pathogenetics is a peer-reviewed, online open access journal, which features studies on the pathogenesis of genetic diseases, phenotypes and traits. Such studies may use molecular, biochemical, cellular, and physiological methods, as well as genome-wide approaches, to provide novel insights into the biological mechanisms underlying the phenotypic manifestations of genetic diseases.
A society-owned journal publishing high quality research on all aspects of photochemistry and photobiology. The scope of Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences includes: Applied photochemistry; Atmospheric photochemistry; Bioluminescence; Chronobiology; DNA repair; Energy transfer; Environmental photobiology; Environmental photochemistry; Excited state properties; Laser photochemistry; Luminescence; Mechanistic photochemistry; Organic and inorganic photochemistry; Photocarcinogenesis Photochemical kinetics; Photochemistry of biomolecules; Photochemotherapy; Photochromism; Photodegradation; Photodermatology; Photoelectrochemistry; Photoimaging; Photoimmunology; Photomedicine; Photomorphogenesis; Photomovement; Photoprotection; Photoreception; Photosensitization; Photosynthesis; Phototechnology; Phototherapy; Phototoxicity; Solar energy utilization; Spectroscopy; Spectroscopy of biological systems; Supramolecular photochemistry; Synthetic photochemistry; Theoretical photochemistry;UV and visible radiation effects and vision.
The aim of this Series is to highlight the latest international findings and advances in plant pathology and plant disease management, and plant pathology topic specialist, Congress and Workshop organisers, coordinators of broad International projects are invited to consult with the Series Editor regarding their topic’s potential inclusion in the series.
Under an agreement with Springer, a Book Series based on the invited lectures at the 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology ICPP2008, Plant Pathology in the 21st Century was initiated and four books covering key themes were published. Following on the procedure for the 2008 Congress, three additional volumes in the series were published on themes which were key topics at ICPP2013, held in Beijing, China, while two new books are almost ready from ICPP 2018 held in Boston (SA). Moreover, more books were published in between Congresses, covering up-to-date topics in plant pathology. In light of the initial seven volumes’ success, the ISPP has now concluded an agreement with Springer to broaden the scope of the Series and publish additional volumes.
The goal of the International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP; is to promote the global advancement of plant pathology and the dissemination of essential information on plant diseases and plant health management. This book Series looks of particular interest due to the upcoming International Year of Plant Health (2020).
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B: Biological Sciences, is one of the oldest journals of India, launched in the year 1930, by the National Academy of Sciences, India (the Oldest Science Academy of India). The research/review papers of different fields of science, e.g. Agriculture Sciences (Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Forestry, Agric. Toxicology, Soil Science, Plant Protection, Post Harvest Technology, and Agricultural Engineering), Animal Sciences (Structural, Developmental, Functional, Genetical, Ecological, Behavioural, Taxonomical and Evolutionary Aspects), Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biotechnology (including Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural and Functional Studies, Microbiology and Immunology), Medical & Forensic Sciences (Basic and Clinical Medical Sciences, Pharmacology, Anthropology, Psychology and Forensic Sciences, Human genetics, Reproduction Biology, Neurosciences and Molecular Medicine) and Plant Sciences (Structural, Developmental, Functional
Protein & Cell publishes original research articles, reviews, and commentaries concerning the latest developments in multidisciplinary areas in biology and biomedicine, with an emphasis on protein and cell research. Subject areas include biochemistry/biophysics, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, neuroscience, oncology, protein science, structural biology and translational medicine. In addition, Protein & Cell addresses research highlights, news and views, and commentaries covering research policies and funding trends in China, and provides a forum to foster academic exchange among researchers across different fields of the life sciences.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. David M. Whitacre Summerfield. NC. USA Editorial Board: M. Fernanda Cavieres University of Valparaíso. Valparaíso. Chile Dr. Charles P. Gerba University of Arizona. Tucson. AZ. USA Dr. John Giesy University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon. Saskatchewan. Canada Prof. Dr. Otto Hutzinger University of Bayreuth. Grenzweg. Austria Dr. James B. Knaak Getzville. NY. USA Dr. James T. Stevens Wake Forest University School of Medicine Winston-Salem. NC. USA Dr. Ronald S. Tjeerdema University of California. Davis. CA. USA Dr. Pim de Voogt University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam. The Netherlands Dr. George Ware Tucson. AZ. USA Gware7@aol.
Das Journal „RHEUMA PLUS“ publiziert Übersichtsartikel über die Mechanismen rheumatischer Erkrankungen und aktuelle Informationen über neue Therapien, Metaanalysen sowie Fallberichte. Das Themenspektrum umfasst Diagnose und medikamentöse Therapien von Patient:innen mit rheumatischen Erkrankungen.
Die Beiträge stellen diagnostische und therapeutische Fortschritte in der Rheumatologie dar und bieten so einen Wissenstransfer von der Klinik in die Praxis - und umgekehrt. Das Journal soll als Plattform zur interdisziplinären Kommunikation und Diskussion fachspezifischer Anliegen dienen und einen Beitrag zu einer verstärkten „Rheuma-Awareness“ im niedergelassenen Bereich leisten.
Die Artikel werden von unseren geschätzten Editoren, die auf dem Gebiet der Rheumatologie und verwandten Bereichen tätig sind, begutachtet.