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3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing

ISSN: 2329-7662eISSN: 2329-7670
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ISSN: 0890-0604eISSN: 1469-1760
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Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering

ISSN: 1583-7904

Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)

ISSN: 1006-7191eISSN: 2194-1289

Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) is an international journal which presents compact reports of significant, original and timely research reflecting progress in metallurgy, materials science and engineering, including materials physics, physical metallurgy, and process metallurgy. Coverage extends to the fields of mining and ore dressing, production metallurgy, foundry, metal working, testing methods, powder metallurgy, composites, welding and joining, oxidation and corrosion. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) is sponsored by the Chinese Society for Metals, and managed by the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series E: Food Technology

eISSN: 2344-150X
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Additive Manufacturing

ISSN: 2214-7810eISSN: 2214-8604

Additive Manufacturing is the peer-reviewed journal that provides academia and world-leading industry with high quality research papers and reviews in additive manufacturing. The journal aims to acknowledge the innovative nature of additive manufacturing and its broad applications to outline the current and future developments in the field.

Additive manufacturing technologies are positioned to provide a disruptive transformation in how products are designed and manufactured. From this, there was a need to create a fast-publication journal which provides a unique publication outlet for engineers, materials scientists and practitioners in academia and virtually any industry as these technologies are incorporated in new product and medical implant design and manufacturing.

The journal covers a wide scope, comprising new technologies, processes, methods, materials, systems, and applications in the field of additive manufacturing. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

Design and Modeling
• Multiple material components and devices Heterogeneous Design
• Heterogeneous Design
• Modeling from concept to manufacture to implementation to disposal - the entire product life cycle

Additive manufacturing processes and process enhancements
• Advancements in additive manufacturing processes
• Multi-technology (hybrid) systems
• Enhanced closed-loop control of additive manufacturing systems

Multiple and novel materials
• Characterization and performance - mechanical, electrical, chemical, biological, opticals
• New material formulations and composite materials
• Processing of materials in additive manufacturing and for use in additive manufacturing

Special applications with multi-functionality
• Medical additive manufacturing and bio-printing
• Optimized configurations such as topology optimization
• Additive manufacturing for space and in-space additive manufacturing
• Improved energy utilization in and using additive manufacturing
• Nano-additive manufacturing
• Electromechanical and robotic systems
• 3D electronics, electromagnetics, and metamaterials
• Other novel applications of additive manufacturing

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Advanced Composites Letters

ISSN: 0963-6935eISSN: 2633-366X

Advanced Materials Technologies

eISSN: 2365-709X

Advanced Materials Technologies Advanced Materials Technologies is the new home for all technology-related materials applications research, with particular focus on advanced device design, fabrication and integration, as well as new technologies based on novel materials. It bridges the gap between fundamental laboratory research and industry.

Topics covered include energy, healthcare, electronics, optics, microfluidics, sensors, food safety, and environmental technologies.

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Advances in Applied Ceramics

ISSN: 1743-6753eISSN: 1743-6761
Publisher: SAGE Publications | Society or Institution: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK)

Maney delivers personalised service to authors, societies, readers and libraries for the publishing and international dissemination of high quality, peer-reviewed scholarship and research. Specialising in print and electronic journal publishing, Maney is committed to technical and editorial innovation combined with traditional values of quality and collaboration.Maney Publishing is an independent publishing company specialising in academic journals in materials science and engineering, the humanities, and health science. Maney is committed to publishing high quality journals in print and electronic formats that are international in scope and peer-reviewed. With offices in Leeds and London in the UK, and in Boston and Philadelphia in North America, Maney publishes extensively for learned societies, universities and professional bodies around the world.

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Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

eISSN: 2043-6262

Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ANSN) is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology, including the fundamental physics, optics, photonics, chemistry, biology and technology of nanometer-scale materials and devices, for applications in quantum computation, smart lighting, energy generation and storage, sensors, health-care, agricultural production, environmental protection.

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Advances in Production Engineering and Management

ISSN: 1854-6250eISSN: 1855-6531

Advances in manufacturing

eISSN: 2195-3597

As an innovative, fundamental and scientific journal, Advances in Manufacturing aims to describe the latest regional and global research results and forefront developments in advanced manufacturing field. As such, it serves as an international platform for academic exchange between experts, scholars and researchers in this field.
All articles in Advances in Manufacturing are peer reviewed. Respected scholars from the fields of advanced manufacturing fields will be invited to write some comments. We also encourage and give priority to research papers that have made major breakthroughs or innovations in the fundamental theory. The targeted fields include: manufacturing automation, mechatronics and robotics, precision manufacturing and control, micro-nano-manufacturing, green manufacturing, design in manufacturing, metallic and nonmetallic materials in manufacturing, metallurgical process, etc. The forms of articles include (but not limited to): academic articles, research reports, and general reviews.

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Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI: Food Technology

ISSN: 1843-5157eISSN: 2068-259X
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Applied Thermal Engineering

ISSN: 1359-4311eISSN: 1873-5606

Applied Thermal Engineering publishes original, high-quality research papers and ancillary features, spanning activities ranging from fundamental research to trouble-shooting in existing plant and equipment.Component and system design covers energy use both in the process and power industries, and in buildings, including passive thermal design techniques. For the former, the design problems associated with the integration of components into overall plant are also covered. Additionally, the reduction of water use and pollution prevention are of interest.The journal features aspects of the thermal engineering of advanced processes, including process integration, intensification and development, together with the application of thermal equipment in process plants. The optimisation of processes to maximise performance is also included.A wide range of equipment is relevant to Applied Thermal Engineering, such as heat exchangers (compact and advanced designs), heat pumps and refrigeration plant, heat pipes, combined heat and power and advanced cycles, polygeneration, heat transfer enhancement as applied to the above, and other unit operations involving thermal engineering procedures, including those related to renewable sources.The application of thermal engineering is becoming critical in specific areas such as aerospace, electronics thermal management and medicine, as well as equipment used by the armed forces. Papers on such challenging applications are often a springboard for technology transfer to other areas, and are encouraged. Short communications in the form of 'Case Studies' will be considered.A theme running through many papers will be energy. Energy conservation, including heat recovery, the rational use of energy and renewable energy technologies are inevitable features of thermal engineering across all applications. As we see an increasing interest in the use of, for example, renewable energy including solar energy in the process industries, the integration of renewable energy and 'conventional' processes is a topic of relevance. Improved efficiency and alternative equipment for reducing emissions is an increasingly important aspect of all energy use.Economics plays a necessary role in the assessment of many thermal engineering projects. Submissions devoted to or considering the financial implications of equipment designs are welcome. Information on the different economic criteria applying in particular regions of the world is relevant.Review articles on appropriate topics are encouraged. Before submitting such a paper, please contact one of the Regional Editors, or the Editor-in-Chief, with an outline of your proposed paper and your expertise in the area of your review.Additional features include:• Special issues devoted to emerging topics and new developments in the field• Book reviews• Policy and legislation reports related to the topics of Applied Thermal Engineering.The Editors welcome letters on topics that readers feel are of interest to a wider audience.Applied Thermal Engineering provides essential reference material and critical design feedback, with emphasis on thermal technologies as applied across a wide range of fields.All submissions will be subject to peer review from leading experts in the field.

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Archives of Foundry Engineering

eISSN: 2299-2944
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Asian Textile Journal

ISSN: 0971-3425


ISSN: 1050-8171

Assembly Automation

ISSN: 0144-5154eISSN: 1758-4078

A platform for state-of-the-art research covering all areas of assembly technology and automation, with a focus on practical applications.

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AusIMM Bulletin

ISSN: 1034-6775

Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio

ISSN: 0366-3175eISSN: 0366-3175

La revistaBoletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidriopublica originales inéditos en forma de artículos de revisión. artículos y notas técnicas. de contenido científico o técnico. relacionados con la cerámica y el vidrio en las áreas de:Arte y Diseño Ciencia Básica Electrocerámica Esmaltes y Pigmentos Ladrillos y Tejas Materias Primas Medioambiente Cerámica Blanca Pavimentos y Revestimientos Refractarios VidriosLa revista aparece indizada desde 1998 en las bases de datos ISI-WoS (Science Citation Index. SCI y Journal Citation Reports Science Edition. JCR). como única revista en castellano en esta área. y desde 2007 en Scopus-Elsevier. Factor de Impacto2009 (2 años):0.350 Factor de Impacto2009 (5 años):0.281 Posición:17/25 (Q3. área de Ciencias de Materiales: Cerámica) Fuente: ©2010Thomson Reuters.Journal Citation Reports® SJR2009:0.049 Posición2009:28/134 (Q1. Ingeniería Industrial y Manufacturas) Posición2009:45/98 (Q3. Ingeniería: Mecánica de Materiales) Posición2009:27/52 (Q3. Ingeniería: Cerámicas y Materiales Compuestos) SJR2008:0.039 Posición2008:37/134 (Q2. Ingeniería Industrial y Manufacturas) Posición2008:54/98 (Q3. Ingeniería: Mecánica de Materiales) 2009:33/52 (Q3. Ingeniería: Cerámicas y Materiales Compuestos) Fuente: ©2010Scimago Research Group. Data Source:Scopus® ElBoletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrioproporciona acceso libre e inmediato a texto completo a todos los contenidos de esta edición electrónica.

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