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Journal of Chiropractic Humanities

eISSN: 1556-3499

The Journal of Chiropractic Humanities (ISSN 1556-3499) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to providing a forum for the chiropractic profession to disseminate information dedicated to chiropractic humanities. The primary purpose of the Journal of Chiropractic Humanities is to foster scholarly debate and interaction within the chiropractic profession regarding the humanities, which includes history, philosophy, linguistics, literature, jurisprudence, ethics, theory, sociology, comparative religions, and aspects of social sciences that address historical or philosophical approaches. The journal's objective is to fulfill this purpose through careful editorial review and publication of expert work, by creating legitimate dialogue in a field where adiversity of opinion exists, and by providing a professional forum for interaction of these views.The journal is currently indexed in Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Manual Alternative and Natural Therapy Index System (MANTIS), and the Index to Chiropractic Literature (ICL).Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine

ISSN: 1553-3840
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Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine

eISSN: 1746-4269

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine is ready to consider manuscripts on any research area of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine.

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Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine

eISSN: 2515-690X
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Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine

ISSN: 2156-5872eISSN: 2156-5899

Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine (JEBCAM) (formerly Complementary Health Practice Review) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed biomedical journal publishing hypothesis-driven and evidence-based articles concerning healing practices encompassed by the terms complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine. JEBCAM articles include editorial comments, original articles, brief communications, topical reviews, historical vignettes, correspondence, and book reviews.

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Journal of Ginseng Research

ISSN: 1226-8453eISSN: 1226-8453

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Journal of Herbal Medicine

ISSN: 2210-8033

The Journal of Herbal Medicine, the official journal of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, is a peer reviewed journal which aims to serve its readers as an authoritative resource on the profession and practice of herbal medicine. The content areas of the journal reflect the interests of Medical Herbalists and other health professionals interested in the clinical and professional application of botanical medicines. The objective is to strengthen the research and educational base of herbal medicine with research papers in the form of case studies, original research articles and reviews, monographs, clinical trials and relevant in vitro studies. It also publishes policy statements, opinion pieces, book reviews, conference proceedings and profession related information such as pharmacovigilance reports providing an information source for not only the Herbal Practitioner but any Health professional with an interest in botanical medicine.Potentially the premier journal in its field, the journal welcomes papers that stimulate research and interest in herbal medicine education and practice that disseminate information about its clinical tradition, best practices, skills and knowledge.We do not publish papers• whereby the focus and primary experimental method involves the use of animals• that only focus on in vitro studies relating to antioxidant activity

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Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants

ISSN: 1049-6475eISSN: 1540-3580

The Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants is an essential reference filled with recent research and other valuable information associated with herbs, spices, and medicinal plants. The Journal serves as a focus point through which investigators and others may publish material of importance to the production, marketing, and utilization of these plants and associated extracts. The journal covers the following topics: growth, development, horticulture, ecology, physiology, genetic, chemistry, and economics. Original articles, review articles, and book reviews provide information of interest to an international audience of researchers, teachers, technicians, and managers involved with production and/or marketing of herbs, spices, and medicinal plants. Managers of food companies, food processing facilities, medical research laboratories, government agencies, and others interested in new chemicals, food additives, international trade, patents, and other items can easily review new findings. The Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants is a forum in which recent research and other information associated with herbs, spices, and medicinal plants is shared. The Journal represents a centralized database accessible by investigators within the international community that work with or have an interest in herbs, spices, and medicinal plants. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Medicinal Plants

ISSN: 1684-0240

Journal of Pharmacopuncture

ISSN: 2093-6966eISSN: 2234-6856
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Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences

ISSN: 2095-7548eISSN: 2589-0395
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed publication featuring advanced scientific researches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The journal is launched by Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Tsinghua University Press, supervised by Ministry of Education of China. The goal of Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences is to establish an authoritative platform to present newest and top scientific Traditional Chinese Medical research results.

Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences, published quarterly, contains original research papers and clinical studies on TCM, herbs and acupuncture with modern scientific research methods. Both theoretical and clinical researches will be included in this journal. In addition, reviews, policy news and case reports of TCM are also published in the journal.

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Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine

ISSN: 0255-2922eISSN: 2589-451X

The English Edition of JTCM appeared in 1981, being the earliest and the most authoritative TCM magazine with the largest circulation in China. It is an international quarterly devoted to clinical and theoretical research in this branch of medicine. The main columns include Experts' Forum, Clinical Observation, Basic Investigation, Reviews, Lectures, Teaching Round, and Questions and Answers, involving acupuncture, massotherapy and Chinese materia medica. Papers by outstanding clinicians, acupuncturists and researchers provide the latest information on the development of this discipline. JTCM is an indispensable reading for clinical practitioners and others interested in basic medicine research. Up to now, the German, Italian, Spanish, French, and Portugal editions have been successively published, making even greater contributions to the development and international academic exchange of traditional Chinese medicine.

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Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine

ISSN: 2225-4110eISSN: 2225-4110
The Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (JTCM) is a quarterly open-access journal that covers the fields of traditional medicine, preventive herbal medicine, and dietary therapy. The Journal provides a global platform for discussion, perspectives and research on traditional and Complementary medicine. JTCM considers the Quality Control and the procedures for the preparation and characterization of herbal medicines, as well as the authentication of dietary supplements, as basic requirements to guarantee efficacy, safety and reproducibility in Traditional and Complementary Medicine.

JTCM focuses on both Eastern and Western complementary medicine and welcomes articles from all medical perspectives. JTCM encourages submissions which present observation and experimental investigation in translational and clinical studies, animal experiments, and in vivo/in vitro studies. Particular emphasis is given to the pathophysiological basis and the cellular-molecular mechanisms that underlie the beneficial effects of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.

Major topics covered include:

  • Traditional medicine
  • Herbal medicine
  • Folk medicine
  • Preventive medicine
  • Dietary therapy / Nutrition supplements
  • Mind-body therapies
  • Review on historical, philosophy and social-cultural aspects of traditional and folk medicine
  • Other traditional and complementary therapies

All articles published in the Journal, including perspectives, review, original articles, and short communications are the original content of the authors. The Journal's Editorial Office offers an efficient, constructive and friendly, though rigorous, peer review service as part of its ongoing effort to provide high quality and relevant perspectives in traditional and complementary medical sciences to our readers.

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La Revue d'Homeopathie

ISSN: 1878-9730

La Revue d'Homéopathie, nouvelle revue médicale d'Elsevier Masson en partenariat avec la Fédération nationale des sociétés médicales homéopathiques de France (FNSMH), s'adresse à tous les médecins homéopathes qui recherchent une publication de référence pour développer et maintenir à jour leur formation.Revue de développement professionnel continu (ex-FMC) ouverte à l'ensemble des courants, elle diffuse les travaux de tous ceux qui souhaitent partager leur pratique dans leur domaine d'expertise.La Revue d'Homéopathie s'articule autour de 3 parties :- une partie réservée aux articles scientifiques, universitaires et autres avec l'appui des pôles d'enseignement universitaire ;- une partie pratique mettant à contribution les écoles avec des articles de synthèse, mises au point, cas cliniques, fiches techniques… ;- enfin, une partie réservée aux informations professionnelles et syndicales avec des rubriques d'actualités, revue de presse, agenda... Elle couvrira par ailleurs les temps forts de la profession que sont les Congrès de Printemps et les Entretiens de Paris, dont elle publiera les actes.La Revue d'Homéopathie sera accessible en ligne, dès le premier numéro qui paraîtra en mars 2010, sur notre site, mais aussi via de publication : mars, juin, septembre, décembre.

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Medical Acupuncture

ISSN: 1933-6586eISSN: 1933-6594
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Medicina Naturista

ISSN: 1576-3080

Music Therapy Perspectives

ISSN: 0734-6875eISSN: 2053-7387
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Natural Product Communications

ISSN: 1934-578XeISSN: 1555-9475
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Natural Products Journal

ISSN: 2210-3155eISSN: 2210-3163

The Natural Products Journal publishes original research articles, reviews, letters and guest edited issues on all aspects of research and development in the field including: isolation, purification, structure elucidation, synthesis and bioactivity of chemical compounds found in nature.

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Nordic Journal of Music Therapy

ISSN: 0809-8131eISSN: 1944-8260

Nordic Journal of Music Therapy NJMT is published in collaboration with GAMUT - The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre (Uni Health and University of Bergen), with financial support from Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences and in co-operation with university programs and organizations of music therapy in the Nordic and Baltic countries.The Nordic Journal of Music Therapy serves the international community of music therapy by being an avenue for publication of scholarly articles, texts on practice, theory and research, dialogues and discussions, reviews and critique. Publication of the journal is based on the collaboration between the music therapy communities in the five Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and the three Baltic Countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This international but still regional foundation offers a platform for development of communication with the broader international community of music therapy. Scholars from all over the world are welcomed to write in the journal. Any kind of scholarly articles related to the field of music therapy are welcomed. All articles are reviewed by two referees and by the editors, to ensure the quality of the journal. Since the field of music therapy is still young, we work hard to make the review process a constructive learning experience for the author. The Nordic Journal of Music Therapy does not step aside from active engagement in the development of the discipline, in order to stimulate multicultural, meta-theoretical and philosophical discussions, and new and diverse forms of inquiry. The journal also stimulates reflections on music as the medium that defines the discipline. Perspectives inspired by musicology and ethnomusicology are therefore welcomed. In addition to scholarly articles we will look for other ways of facilitating the music therapy discourse, and we put effort into presenting interviews and dialogues that can stimulate this, as well as reviews of important books in the field. Disclaimer The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are not the views of the Society and Taylor &Francis.

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