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Archives of Occupational and Environmental Diseases

ISSN: 1775-8785eISSN: 1778-4190

Votre revue scientifique de la santé au travailLes Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement publient des articles scientifiques sous forme de mémoires, de mises au point ou encore de revues générales. Elles constituent une source d'informations fiables qui vous permettra d'approfondir ou de réactualiser vos connaissances sur des sujets fondamentaux ou originaux.Votre support de formation médicale continueDepuis 2005, les Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement se sont enrichies d'une nouvelle section dont l'objectif est de mettre à votre disposition les outils pour optimiser votre pratique autour d'un thème lourd. Le contenu est scindé en 4 rubriques : Pré-test, Mises au point, Cas cliniques et Réponses au pré-test.Votre revue de l'actualité de la santé au travailLes Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement sont aussi une revue d'actualité. Depuis 2005, la revue s'est enrichie de deux rubriques nouvelles. La première, Environnement, a pour objectif de proposer une culture environnementale aux lecteurs. La seconde, Revue de presse, vous fait partager l'analyse de la rédaction d'articles issus de grandes revues anglo-saxonnes. Vous retrouverez également l'Agenda des réunions et des congrès, les Questions-réponses et la rubrique Législation qui publie les derniers textes de loi parus au Journal Officiel.

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Archives of Public Health

eISSN: 0778-7367
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Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health

ISSN: 1010-5395eISSN: 1941-2479

Published in association with the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (APJPH) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that focuses on health issues in the Asia-Pacific Region. APJPH publishes original articles on public health related issues, including implications for practical applications to professional education and services for public health and primary health care that are of concern and relevance to the Asia-Pacific region.The editor-in-chief welcomes manuscripts on all aspects of public health, as well as global challenges in public health, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, health security, disaster management, and chronic disease. For manuscript inquiries, please contact Wah-Yun Low, Ph.D at

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Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy

ISSN: 1819-5164

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention

ISSN: 1513-7368eISSN: 2476-762X

Australian Journal of Primary Health

ISSN: 1448-7527eISSN: 1836-7399

The Australian Journal of Primary Health is published by CSIRO PUBLISHING on behalf of the Australian Institute for Primary Care and Ageing and School of Public Health, La Trobe University in association with the Primary and Community Health Network. The Journal is a refereed, international journal that publishes articles on a range of issues influencing community health services and primary health care. The focus of the Australian Journal of Primary Health is on the integration of theory and practice in primary health utilising perspectives from a range of disciplines. The Journal publishes research articles, policy reports and analyses, literature reviews, reports of evidence-based practice, book reviews, and letters.AimsThe Australian Journal of Primary Health is a peer-reviewed journal designed to publish articles on a range of issues influencing community health services and primary health care. The definition of primary health care applicable to the Journal is as defined in the 1978 Declaration of Alma Ata, Article VI.The Australian Journal of Primary Health aims to:*Support the integration of theory and practice in primary health care.*Publish research articles, policy reports and analyses, book reviews, the views of practitioners, consumers, students, caregivers, and special interest groups, and descriptions of professional practice initiatives in the field of primary health.* Promote the standing and visibility of primary health care and community health services.*Provide a forum for community discussion and information exchange.*Support and inform critical discussion on primary health and community services in relation to Australia´s multicultural and diverse society.*Encourage and inform discussion on the integration of ecological health in primary health care.*Promote quality improvement and best practice in all areas of primary health care.The Journal has a readership throughout Australia and overseas who have an interest in primary health.

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Australian Journal of Rural Health

ISSN: 1038-5282eISSN: 1440-1584

The Australian Journal of Rural Health publishes articles in the field of rural health. It facilitates the formation of interdisciplinary networks, so that rural health professionals can form a cohesive group and work together for the advancement of rural practice, in all health disciplines. The Journal aims to establish a national and international reputation for the quality of its scholarly discourse and its value to rural health professionals. All articles, unless otherwise identified, are peer reviewed by at least two researchers expert in the field of the submitted paper. The Journal is taken by subscribers in Canada, Japan, USA and the United Kingdom. Readership includes general practitioners, nurses, allied health professionals, pharmacists, health administrators, universities, rural health units and libraries. 'Rural health is an important and dynamic concern in Australia and around the world. The Australian Journal of Rural Health provides a wonderful mix of practical and academic medical, nursing and other health articles. This provides interesting and useful reading for those in rural practice and those involved in rural health care education, planning and development internationally. I look forward to each issue.'.

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Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health

ISSN: 1326-0200eISSN: 1753-6405

The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health publishes peer-reviewed research into public health, relevant to researchers, practitioners and policy makers. The Journal has a major focus on Australia and New Zealand but articles from other countries are accepted provided that the implications for Australia and New Zealand are addressed. Authors from Australia and New Zealand are encouraged to locate their papers in the international literature. The Journal is multidisciplinary and aims to publish methodologically sound research from any of the academic disciplines that constitute public health. Articles on research methods and policy development are welcomed.

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BMC International Health and Human Rights

eISSN: 1472-698X

BMC International Health and Human Rights is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in relation to health and disease in developing and transitional countries, as well as all issues relating to the impact of health policies, programs and practices on human rights.

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BMC Obesity

eISSN: 2052-9538

Human obesity, lifestyle and community interventions, genetics, phenotyping and metabolism, basic science, treatment in clinical practice

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BMC Public Health

eISSN: 1471-2458

BMC Public Health is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in the epidemiology of disease and the understanding of all aspects of public health. The journal has a special focus on the social determinants of health, the environmental, behavioral, and occupational correlates of health and disease, and the impact of health policies, practices and interventions on the community.

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BMJ Global Health

eISSN: 2059-7908

BMJ Global Health is an Open Access, online journal from BMJ dedicated to publishing high-quality peer-reviewed content relevant to those involved in global health, including policy makers, funders, researchers, clinicians and frontline healthcare workers.

To find out more about the journal’s vision, please read the introductory editorial from the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr Seye Abimbola.

The Journal covers all aspects of global health with particular interest in submissions that address the underfunded area of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Research across all study phases and designs is welcome, from study protocols to phase I trials to meta-analyses, including small or specialist studies. The editor welcomes opinionated discussions on controversial topics to stimulate debate.

BMJ Global Health will adhere to BMJ’s rigorous standards of peer-review and all papers will be considered on the basis of ethical and methodological soundness rather than their novelty, significance, or relevance to any particular group. The Journal will operate a fast submission and review process with continuous publication online to ensure that timely, up-to-date research is available worldwide to those who need it.

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Beitrage zur Tabakforschung International/ Contributions to Tobacco Research

ISSN: 0173-783X

Biocontrol Science

ISSN: 1342-4815

Biomedical and Environmental Sciences

ISSN: 0895-3988eISSN: 2214-0190

Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (BES) is an international English scientific periodical jointly established by Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) and the Coulston International Corporation (CIC), USA in 1988, which is published bimonthly and distributed both in China and abroad. The editorial office is based in the headquarters of China CDC.BES publishes research papers submitted from China and other countries in the areas of biomedical and environmental sciences, which cover public health virology, microbiology, epidemiology, parasitology, nutrition, toxicology, pharmacology, environmental health, chemistry, biological and toxicological effects of hazardous substances including environmental pollutants, food additives, pesticides and industrial chemicals as well as methodological research, including chemical, biochemical, pathological and immunological methods. Experimental studies on natural and synthetic pollutants of the distribution, metabolic characteristics, and their impact on human health are also included. Research on preventive medicine and public health are also welcomed.Our Journal has joined the famous researching system, such as SCI, CA etc. We also got the sustentation fund of National Natural Foundation of China in 1999.To meet the needs of national information development and widen authors academic exchange channel, we declare that the journal, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, has joined the Net. The author's copyright using fee will be paid off in a lump sum. If an author doesn't agree to involve his article in the databases, please make a declaration on the time of his contribution for our appropriate processing.

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Boletin de Malariologia y Salud Ambiental

ISSN: 1690-4648

Bulletin of the Physical Fitness Research Institute

ISSN: 0389-9071

Bulletin of the World Health Organization

ISSN: 0042-9686eISSN: 1564-0604

The Bulletin of the World Health Organization is published monthly in English, with French and Spanish summaries for each article by the World Health Organization (WHO). Established for more than 50 years as a leading research journal, the Bulletin of the World Health Organization was expanded in 1999. In line with sweeping changes preparing WHO for the new century, the Bulletin quickened its pace of publication and extended its editorial scope. Contributions from the social and behavioural sciences added to extend the journal's traditional coverage of biomedical and scientific research. Support from a prestigious Editorial Board, as well as from an extensive group of reviewers, has raised the standards of manuscript appraisal and acceptance even higher. By placing research findings and policy-relevant discussions side by side, the Bulletin aims to stimulate debate on public health policy and practice based on the best evidence available, while also encouraging closer links between scientific investigation and the challenge of helping populations to lead healthier lives. In selecting articles for publication, the editors continue to give priority to original findings that advance understanding of health problems - and ways to solve them - in a world where health concerns every country, and diseases respect no boundaries. Its abbreviated title, Bull World Health Organ, should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.

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Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz

ISSN: 1436-9990eISSN: 1437-1588

Die Monatszeitschrift Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz umfasst alle Fragestellungen und Bereiche, mit denen sich das öffentliche Gesundheitswesen und die staatliche Gesundheitspolitik auseinandersetzt. Ziel ist es, zum einen über wesentliche Entwicklungen in der biologisch-medizinischen Grundlagenforschung auf dem Laufenden zu halten und zum anderen über konkrete Maßnahmen zum Gesundheitsschutz, über Konzepte der Prävention, Risikoabwehr und Gesundheitsförderung zu informieren. Wichtige Themengebiete sind die Epidemiologie übertragbarer Krankheiten, der umweltbezogene Gesundheitsschutz sowie gesundheitsökonomische, medizinethische und -rechtliche Fragestellungen. Eine Sektion – Bekanntmachungen/Amtliche Mitteilungen – am Ende jeden Heftes enthält offizielle Verlautbarungen der Herausgeberinstitute.

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Burnout Research

eISSN: 2213-0586

Burnout has been an important social issue for many years, with an increasing number of people from various disciplines doing research to understand the phenomenon and to suggest solutions for the problems that burnout poses. This research is being carried out in many countries around the world, so it is clear that burnout has global significance. Recently, there has been a growing interest in developing interventions to reduce burnout, from government agencies and organizations in both the public and private sectors. Without a doubt, burnout poses a major challenge for society. Given the ongoing importance of the burnout phenomenon, and the rising interest in making real progress in alleviating it, there is a need for a primary venue for the many research contributions being made.

Burnout Research is a peer-reviewed international journal aimed at presenting basic, translational and clinical high-quality research related to the phenomenon of burnout. As the first journal dedicated to understanding the causes and consequences of burnout, and potential solutions to the problem, Burnout Research welcomes original research articles, review articles, case reports, and opinion pieces. The goal of the journal is to publish the top research in three major areas:

  • Cutting-edge research that lays out new directions for the burnout field, including new research paradigms and measures, new theoretical models, and new collaborations between researchers and practitioners. For example:
    • Multiple levels of analysis from the individual to the dyadic, the family, the organization, and society as a whole in explaining burnout.
    • The dynamic nature of burnout experiences within persons over time.
  • Critical reviews that provide comprehensive and integrative analyses of key themes. For example:
    • Cultural, national, or occupational differences in burnout.
    • Meta-analyses of major datasets.
  • Translational research studies that assess promising interventions for preventing burnout and building work engagement. For example:
    • Psychosocial resources to prevent burnout and promote positive personal outcomes.
    • Evaluation of the effectiveness of intervention strategies to ameliorate burnout at either the personal, social, and organizational levels.

Special issues of Burnout Research may be devoted to themes of particular interest Our first special issue focused on in health care (2014). We would be interested in such themes as burnout interventions, or global comparisons of burnout in different countries, or burnout in technology workplaces.

Keywords: burnout, job stress, work engagement, psychosocial factors, health outcomes, work behaviors, job performance, job satisfaction, job-person fit, organizational factors.

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