Evidence-Based Dentistry delivers the best available evidence on the latest developments in oral health. We evaluate the evidence and provide guidance concerning the value of the author's conclusions. We keep dentistry up to date with new approaches, exploring a wide range of the latest developments through an accessible expert commentary. Original papers and relevant publications are condensed into digestible summaries, drawing attention to the current methods and findings. We are a central resource for the most cutting edge and relevant issues concerning the evidence-based approach in Dentistry today.
Fluoride, the official journal of the International Society for Fluoride Research (ISFR) is.
The ultimate aim of Gerodontology is to improve the quality of life and oral health of older people. The boundaries of most conventional dental specialties must be repeatedly crossed to provide optimal dental care for older people. In addition, management of other health problems impacts on dental care and clinicians need knowledge in these numerous overlapping areas. Bringing together these diverse topics within one journal serves clinicians who are seeking to read and to publish papers across a broad spectrum of specialties. This journal provides the juxtaposition of papers from traditional specialties but which share this patient-centred interest, providing a synergy that serves progress in the subject of gerodontology. Other areas of interest covered by Gerodontology include commissioning reviews of key issues from experts in the field, reporting on policy developments in the care of the older adult, invited papers from international symposia, education and debate, evidence-based dentistry to inform best practice and clinical papers with color illustrations, as well as maintaining existing strengths in high quality research.
Head & Face Medicine is a multidisciplinary open access journal that publishes basic and clinical research concerning all pathological and non-pathological conditions that can affect the human head and face, including underlying and inner tissues.
Implant Dentistry meets the needs of all implant team members in this rapidly growing field with current, expert coverage on every aspect of implant treatment. The peer-review system distinguishes the journal with contributions from leading authorities on implant systems, biomaterials, prosthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral pathology, periodontics, and much more. Keeping readers abreast of the newest therapeutic procedures and options, Implant Dentistry aims to enhance the relationship of private practice, education, and research to advance oral implantology for the ultimate benefit of the patient. Website: www.implantdent.org.
The International Dental Journal is the main scientific publication of the FDI World Dental Federation. It features peer-reviewed, scientific articles relevant to international oral health issues, as well as practical, informative articles aimed at clinicians.
The International Endodontic Journal is a leading international forum for publications in the field of Endodontology; the branch of dental sciences dealing with health, injuries to and diseases of the pulp and periradicular region, and their relationship with systemic well-being and health. The International Endodontic Journal is published monthly and strives to publish original articles of the highest quality to disseminate scientific and clinical knowledge; all manuscripts are subjected to peer review. Original scientific articles are published in the areas of biomedical science, applied materials science, bioengineering, epidemiology and social science relevant to endodontic disease and its management, and to the restoration of root-treated teeth. In addition, review articles, reports of clinical cases, book reviews, summaries and abstracts of scientific meetings and news items are accepted. The International Endodontic Journal is essential reading for general dental practitioners, specialist endodontists, research, scientists and dental teachers. Online Submission has been introduced http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iej.
The aim of the International Journal of Dental Hygiene is to provide a forum for exchange of scientific knowledge in the field of oral health and dental hygiene. A further aim is to support and facilitate the application of new knowledge into clinical practice. The journal welcomes original research, reviews and case reports as well as clinical, professional, educational and legislative news to the profession world-wide.
International Journal of Dentistry is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of dentistry, including periodontal diseases, dental implants, oral pathology, as well as oral and maxillofacial surgery.