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Chinese Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies

ISSN: 2345-7481eISSN: 2345-752X
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Climate Change Economics

ISSN: 2010-0078eISSN: 2010-0086
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Communications in Contemporary Mathematics

ISSN: 0219-1997eISSN: 1793-6683

With traditional boundaries between various specialized fields of mathematics becoming less and less visible, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (CCM) presents the forefront of research in the fields of: Algebra, Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Geometry, Mathematical Physics, Number Theory, Partial Differential Equations and Topology, among others. It provides a forum to stimulate interactions between different areas. Both original research papers and expository articles will be published.

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Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications

ISSN: 1793-8309eISSN: 1793-8317
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Division of Labour & Transaction Costs

ISSN: 0219-8711eISSN: 1793-7000
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East Asian Policy

ISSN: 1793-9305eISSN: 2251-3175
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Fertility & Reproduction

ISSN: 2661-3182eISSN: 2661-3174

Fluctuation and Noise Letters

ISSN: 0219-4775eISSN: 1793-6780

Fluctuation and Noise Letters (FNL) is unique. It is the only specialist journal for fluctuations and noise, and it covers that topic throughout the whole of science in a completely interdisciplinary way. High standards of refereeing and editorial judgment are guaranteed by the selection of Editors from among the leading scientists of the field.FNL places equal emphasis on both fundamental and applied science and the name "Letters" is to indicate speed of publication, rather than a limitation on the lengths of papers. The journal has recently moved to on-line submission and immediate on-line publication of accepted papers.FNL is interested in interdisciplinary articles on random fluctuations, quite generally. For example: noise enhanced phenomena including stochastic resonance; 1/f noise; shot noise; fluctuation-dissipation; cardiovascular dynamics; ion channels; single molecules; neural systems; quantum fluctuations; quantum computation; classical and quantum information; statistical physics; degradation and aging phenomena; percolation systems; fluctuations in social systems; traffic; the stockmarket; environment and climate; etc.FNL also encourages open public debate. Scientists with critical views about important results published in high-profile journals and magazines are encouraged to submit a comment or note to FNL. These papers are published with an accelerated editorial procedure to facilitate lively debate in the field.

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ISSN: 0218-348XeISSN: 1793-6543

The investigation of phenomena involving complex geometry, patterns and scaling has gone through a spectacular development in the past decades. For this relatively short time, geometrical and/or temporal scaling have been shown to represent the common aspects of many processes occurring in an unusually diverse range of fields including physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, economics, technology and human behavior. As a rule, the complex nature of a phenomenon is manifested in the underlying intricate geometry which in most of the cases can be described in terms of objects with non-integer (fractal) dimension. In other cases, the distribution of events in time or various other quantities show specific scaling behavior, thus providing a better understanding of the relevant factors determining the given processes.Using fractal geometry and scaling as a language in the related theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations, it has been possible to get a deeper insight into previously intractable problems. Among many others, a better understanding of growth phenomena, turbulence, iterative functions, colloidal aggregation, biological pattern formation, stock markets and inhomogeneous materials has emerged through the application of such concepts as scale invariance, self-affinity and multifractality.The main challenge of the journal devoted exclusively to the above kinds of phenomena lies in its interdisciplinary nature; it is our commitment to bring together the most recent developments in these fields so that a fruitful interaction of various approaches and scientific views on complex spatial and temporal behaviors in both nature and society could take place.The journal "FRACTALS: Complex Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society" will publish the following types of peer-reviewed articles.*Full-length research papers, *Short communications, *Reviews of both technical and pedagogical nature, and*Popular (educational, Scientific American type) articles.

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Functional Materials Letters

ISSN: 1793-6047eISSN: 1793-7213

Functional Materials Letters is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal for original contributions to research on the synthesis, behavior and characterization of functional materials. The journal seeks to provide a rapid forum for the communication of novel research of high quality and with an interdisciplinary flavor. The journal is an ideal forum for communication amongst materials scientists and engineers, chemists and chemical engineers, and physicists in the dynamic fields associated with functional materials.Functional materials are designed to make use of their natural or engineered functionalities to respond to changes in electrical and magnetic fields, physical and chemical environment, etc. These design considerations are fundamentally different to those relevant for structural materials and are the focus of this journal. Functional materials play an increasingly important role in the development of the field of materials science and engineering.The scope of the journal covers theoretical and experimental studies of functional materials, characterization and new applications-related research on functional materials in macro-, micro- and nano-scale science and engineering. Among the topics covered are ferroelectric, multiferroic, ferromagnetic, magneto-optical, optoelectric, thermoelectric, energy conversion and energy storage, sustainable energy and shape memory materials.

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Gene Therapy and Regulation

ISSN: 1388-9532eISSN: 1568-5586
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Global Credit Review

ISSN: 2010-4936eISSN: 2301-3966
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Global Economy Journal

ISSN: 2194-5659eISSN: 1553-5304
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Global Journal of Economics

ISSN: 2251-3612eISSN: 2251-3620
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Hong Kong Journal of Social Work

ISSN: 0219-2462eISSN: 2424-7731
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Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal

ISSN: 1013-7025eISSN: 1876-441X

The HKPJ is an official publication of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association Limited (HKPA Ltd). The Journal is committed to document the principles and practice of physiotherapy, and to facilitate communication among educators, researchers and practitioners in the field. The Journal is published twice a year. Research reports, treatment reports, technical reports, literature reviews and letters to the editor are accepted. The Journal is listed in CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), Physiotherapy CATS (British Library), SPORTDiscus (Sport Information Resource Centre), EMBASE, and SCOPUS.

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Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics

ISSN: 0219-0257eISSN: 1793-6306

In the past few years the fields of infinite dimensional analysis and quantum probability have undergone increasingly significant developments and have found many new applications, in particular, to classical probability and to different branches of physics. The number of first-class papers in these fields has grown at the same rate. This is currently the only journal which is devoted to these fields.It constitutes an essential and central point of reference for the large number of mathematicians, mathematical physicists and other scientists who have been drawn into these areas. Both fields have strong interdisciplinary nature, with deep connection to, for example, classical probability, stochastic analysis, mathematical physics, operator algebras, irreversibility, ergodic theory and dynamical systems, quantum groups, classical and quantum stochastic geometry, quantum chaos, Dirichlet forms, harmonic analysis, quantum measurement, quantum computer, etc. The journal reflects this interdisciplinarity and welcomes high quality papers in all such related fields, particularly those which reveal connections with the main fields of this journal.The principal objective of this journal is to provide an up-to-date overview of the state-of-the-art in its fields of competence.Special issues devoted to single topic of particular current interest will also be published in this journal.

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International Game Theory Review

ISSN: 0219-1989eISSN: 1793-6675
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International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration

ISSN: 2010-1325eISSN: 2010-1333

International Journal of Algebra and Computation

ISSN: 0218-1967eISSN: 1793-6500

The International Journal of Algebra and Computation publishes high quality original research papers in combinatorial, algorithmic and computational aspects of algebra (including combinatorial and geometric group and semigroup theory, algorithmic aspects of universal algebra, computational and algorithmic commutative algebra), and gives a preference to papers in the areas of mathematics represented by the editorial board.

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