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Behavioral and Brain Sciences

ISSN: 0140-525XeISSN: 1469-1825
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Beitrage zur Tabakforschung International/ Contributions to Tobacco Research

ISSN: 0173-783X

Best Practice and Research: Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

ISSN: 1521-690X

Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism is a topical serial publication integrating the results from the latest original research into practical, evidence-based review articles that seek to address the key clinical issues of diagnosis, treatment and patient management.Each issue follows a problem-orientated approach which focuses on the key questions to be addressed, clearly defining what is known and highlighting topics for future research. Management is described in practical terms so that it can be applied to the individual patient. The series is aimed at the physician either in practice or in training.In practical paperback format, each 200 page issue of Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism provides a comprehensive review of clinical practice and thinking within one specific area of endocrinology and metabolism.Each issue, written by an international team of contributors and guest edited by a renowned expert, form part of a continuous update of current clinical practice.• Attractive format and two-colour text layout• Six issues published annually• Highlighting the latest 'best practice' and 'clinical evidence'• Topic-based, problem-orientated approach• Recommendations on diagnosis, treatment and patient managementThe objective of the series is to provide the physician with the most up-to-date source of information in the field.

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Best Practice and Research: Clinical Haematology

ISSN: 1521-6926

Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology provides a comprehensive review of current clinical practice and thinking within the specialty of haematology.All chapters are commissioned and written by an international team of practising clinicians with the Guest Editors for each issue drawn from a pool of renowned experts and opinion leaders. Reference is made to:• The latest original research• Cochrane Reviews• Audits and confidential enquiries• National and international conferences• National and international guidelines• Personal communicationsAll chapters take the form of practical, evidence-based reviews that seek to address key clinical issues of diagnosis, treatment and patient management.Each issue follows a problem-orientated approach that focuses on the key questions to be addressed, clearly defining what is known and not known. Management will be described in practical terms so that it can be applied to the individual patient.Boxed and bulleted Learning Objectives and Practice Points are features within each chapter and will highlight the core and essential knowledge that will help the physician to provide the best care to their patients.The series' objective is to provide a continuous update for the busy clinician and researcher.

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Bio-Algorithms and Medical-Systems

ISSN: 1895-9091eISSN: 1896-530X
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ISSN: 1949-0992eISSN: 1949-100X
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BioChip Journal

ISSN: 1976-0280eISSN: 2092-7843

BioChip Journal publishes original research and reviews in all areas of the expanding field of biochip technology. Coverage spans a broad range of disciplines and topics, including protein chip, DNA chip, cell chip, lab-on-a-chip, bio-MEMS, biosensor, micro/nano mechanics, microfluidics, high-throughput screening technology, medical science, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring and micro/nanotechnology. The editors of BioChip Journal are committed to rapid peer review, to ensure the timely publication of the highest quality original research, news and review articles.

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BioData Mining

eISSN: 1756-0381

BioData Mining publishes original articles on all aspects of data mining applied to high-dimensional biological and biomedical data, focusing on computational aspects of knowledge discovery from large-scale genetic, transcriptomic, genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data.

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BioDesign Research

eISSN: 2693-1257
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ISSN: 1173-8804eISSN: 1179-190X

An essential resource for R&D professionals and clinicians with an interest in biologic therapies.BioDrugs covers the development and use of biotechnology-based pharmaceuticals and innovative technologies for the treatment of human disease.

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ISSN: 0265-9247eISSN: 1521-1878

molecular - cellular - biomedical - physiology - translational research - systems - hypotheses encouraged BioEssays is a review-and-discussion journal publishing novel insights, forward-looking reviews and commentaries in contemporary biology with a molecular, genetic, cellular, or physiological dimension. A further aim is to emphasise transdisciplinarity and integrative biology in the context of organismal studies, systems approaches, through to ecosystems where appropriate. The journal has three main sections: Insights & Perspectives (for ideas, hypotheses and commentaries), Prospects & Overviews (for review-style articles) and Reports & Opinion (for meeting reports, book reviews and letters to the Editor). The Prospects & Overviews section contains mini-reviews highlighting very recent research articles, and longer papers that present a field, its developments and prospects for a broad readership; we also welcome methods papers (including presentation of new model systems) under the rubric Methods, Models & Techniques. The journal's insightful analysis makes it essential reading for professional researchers (from basic research through to medically-related fields), as well as an invaluable tool for lecturers and students. Mean time to first decision: 22 days Affiliated with Epigenesis, the European Network of Excellence for epigenetics research.

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ISSN: 0951-6433eISSN: 1872-8081

BioFactors is an international journal aimed at identifying and increasing our understanding of the precise biochemical effects and roles of the large number of trace substances that are required by living organisms. These include vitamins and trace elements, as well as growth factors and regulatory substances made by cells themselves. The elucidation, in a particular organism or cell line, of the roles of substances active in trace quantities, is frequently applicable directly to many other forms of life.

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eISSN: 2228-5660
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BioMed Research International

ISSN: 2314-6133eISSN: 2314-6141

BioMed Research International (formerly titled Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in several areas of life sciences. The subject areas covered by the journal are:BiochemistryBioinformaticsBiophysicsBiotechnologyCell BiologyGeneticsGenomicsImmunologyMicrobiologyMolecular BiologyOncologyPharmacologyToxicologyVirology.

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ISSN: 0966-0844eISSN: 1572-8773

BioMetals is the only established journal to feature the important role of metal ions in chemistry, biology, biochemistry, environmental science, and medicine. BioMetals is an international, multidisciplinary journal singularly devoted to the rapid publication of the fundamental advances of both basic and applied research in this field. BioMetals offers a forum for innovative research and clinical results on the structure and function of: metal ions metal chelates, siderophores, metal-containing proteins biominerals in all biosystems. BioMetals rapidly publishes original articles and reviews. BioMetals is a journal for metals researchers who practice in medicine, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, microbiology, cell biology, chemistry, and plant physiology who are based academic, industrial and government laboratories.

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BioPharm International

ISSN: 1542-166X

BioResearch Open Access

eISSN: 2164-7860

biology, bioengineering, stem cells, systems biology, genetics, biochemistry, virology, neuroscience

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BioScience Trends

ISSN: 1881-7815eISSN: 1881-7823


ISSN: 0303-2647

BioSystems encourages experimental, computational, and theoretical articles that link biology, evolutionary thinking, and the information processing sciences. The link areas form a circle that encompasses the fundamental nature of biological information processing, computational modeling of complex biological systems, evolutionary models of computation, the application of biological principles to the design of novel computing systems, and the use of biomolecular materials to synthesize artificial systems that capture essential principles of natural biological information processing.The categories and topics listed below are examples, the editors will be happy to comment on the relevance of other topics:Molecular EvolutionSelf-organizing and self-replicating systemsOrigins and evolution of the genetic mechanismBiological Information ProcessingMolecular recognitionCellular controlNeuromolecular computingBiological adaptabilityMolecular computing technologiesEvolutionary SystemsStochastic evolutionary algorithmsEvolutionary optimizationSimulation of genetic and ecological systemsApplications (neural nets, machine learning, robotics)Please bookmark this page as: more information/suggestions/comments please contact

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eISSN: 2673-6284
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